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胡韓瑩 朱冬生
(華南理工大學強化傳熱與過程節能教育部重點實驗室 廣州 510640)
制冷學報 .-2008,29(5).-1~7
摘 要:熱電制冷技術是一種環保型制冷技術,應用越來越廣泛,可以滿足一些特殊制冷場合的制冷要求,在先進電子封裝的高精度溫度控制、高品質電子元器件性能檢測和電子芯片冷卻的應用中體現了其他制冷方法所不具備的優越性.通過查閱大量文獻,在充分了解熱電制冷技術理論的基礎上,從熱電材料、溫差電對結構和強化散熱方式三方面對熱電制冷技術近年的一些研究熱點和進展進行了總結和評述,并對以后的發展方向提出了展望。
Review of recent thermoelectric refrigeration technology
HU Han-ying, ZHU D S
Educational Ministry’s Key Lab of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510640, China
Abstract As an envionmental friendly refrigeration technology, thermoelectric refrigeration has drawn much attention. In this paper, the recent progress of thermoelectric refrigeration is summarized and commented in three aspects, such as thermoelectric materials, thermoelectric couple structure, and enhanced heat emission mode. The future research development of thermoelectric refrigeration technology is also suggested.39 Refs. In Chinese.
Keywords Pyrology; Thermoelectric refrigeration; Material; Thermoelectric couple; Enhanced heat emission