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王鐵軍 江斌 劉向農 劉杰 韓豐云
(合肥工業(yè)大學 合肥 230009)
制冷學報 .-2008,29(5).-24~27
摘 要:設計了平行流冷凝器,對12m客車空調的管片式冷凝器實現整體替代.在標準空調工況進行的焓差法對比性能實驗表明:制冷量Q和能效比EER都略有提高,技術指標滿足設計要求.替代后,冷凝器的質量減輕30 kg、尺寸減少40%,制冷劑R134a的充灌量減少16%,推進了客車空調系統(tǒng)的輕量小型化,成本效益顯著.同時,發(fā)現平行流式冷凝器制冷劑側流動阻力相對于管片式明顯增大。
Application of parallel flow condenser in bus air conditioning
WANG Tie-jun, JIANG B, LIU X N et al
Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, 230009, China
Abstract A parallel flow condenser has been designed to replace the conventional finned-tube condenser for the bus air conditioning. The experiment was conducted using the enthalpy difference method under the standard conditions. The results show that the refrigerating capacity and the energy efficiency ratio of the system improved slightly. Compared with the finned-tube condenser, the weight, the size, and the refrigerant charge of the condenser assembly decreased by 30 kilogram, 40%, and 16%, respectively. However, the flow resistance of the refrigerant side increased obviously. 7Refs. In Chinese.
Keywords Municipal engineering; Bus air conditioning ; Application research; Parallel flow condenser