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張景1 鄭坤2 李安桂3 南曉紅3
(1.中國建筑科學研究院,北京100013;2. 中建國際(北京)設計顧問有限公司,北京100013;3. 西安建筑科技大學,西安710055)
制冷學報 .-2008,29(5).-12~17
摘 要:通過對某高校實驗樓空調室外機組的換熱過程及通風效果進行實測,利用源匯模型分析其速度場,得出使進風不“短路”的機組布置z*佳間距。探討了在室外空間受限的條件下,空調室外機陣列方式的優化布置方案。通過對比優化陣列方式前后氣流組織的CFD模擬結果,表明優化陣列方式的進風溫度較原陣列方式有較大改善。在節約建筑空間的前提下,更加體現了節能的優勢。
關鍵詞:市政工程;源匯流場模型; CFD模擬;優化陣列方式
Analysis on optimizing array of air-conditioning condensers
ZHANG Jing, ZHENG K, LI A G et al
China Academy of Building Research, Beijing,100013,China
Abstract A field measurement of heat exchange process for an air-conditioning condenser and its ventilation effect were conducted. The velocity field was analyzed with the model of source and sink, and an optimal distance of the condenser array was achieved without short circuits under the limited space for the outdoor unit. The simulation of the air distribution shows that the inlet air temperature with the optimal condensor array improves greatly. 6 Refs. In Chinese.
Keywords Municipal engineering; Model of source and sink; Numerical simulation; Optimized array