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高興1 張殿光1 袁杰1 班振威1 羅會明2 張興文3
制冷學報 .-2008,29(5).-44~48
摘 要:對國內有代表性的冷凍食品加工企業全年耗電變化趨勢、各個設備系統耗電所占比例進行了計量和調查統計,統計結果顯示:全年制冷系統耗電比例為65.6%左右,照明系統耗電比例為29.1%左右,其它部分僅占5.3%左右;而1~3月份照明系統占37.9%、速凍間33.6%、冷凍庫20.1%、冷藏庫6%,4~5月份和9~12月份速凍間占40.3%、照明系統占35.1%、冷凍庫占28.4%、冷藏庫占9.1%,6~8月份速凍間占31.6%、冷凍庫占26.6%、照明系統占22.7%、冷藏庫占9.6%,照明系統節電與速凍間、冷凍庫同等重要。調查了企業現行氨制冷系統運行中普遍存在的問題現象,分析了導致系統能效偏低的主要原因、節能渠道和節能 空間,為企業提高系統能效和節能減排工作提供參考。
Analysis on feature of energy consumption and energy conservation potential of frozen foodstuff enterprise
GAO Xing, ZHANG D G, YUAN J et al
Dalian Fisheries University, Key and Open Laboratory of Apuatic Product Processing and Utilization of Liaoning Province, Dalian, 116023, China
Abstract The annual energy consumption trend and the energy consumption proportion of equipment in typical domestic frozen food processing enterprises were investigated. The results show that the energy consumption of refrigeration systems, lighting systems, and the others is 65.6%, 29.1%, and only about5.3%of the total year energy consumption, respectively. From January to March, the energy consumption proportion of lighting systems, the quick-freezing rooms, freeze rooms, and cold storage rooms is 37.9%, 33.6%, 20.1%, and6%, respectively while in April and May and from September to December, the proportion above is35.1%,40.3%,28.4%,9.1%,respectively. From June to August, the proportion is 22.7%,31.6%,26.6%, and9.6%, respectively. The data show that energy-saving of light
Keywords Package and preservation of food; Power consumption of refrigeration system; Quick-freezing room; Freezer; Cold storage room; Lighting system